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Lavender House Visitor Centre, Tihany

Opened in 2011, the aim of the visitor centre is to provide children and adult information about the interesting past of Tihany. The exhibition in the center displays short movies, interactive games which show the development of Tihany's volcanoes, hot water springs, geysers, the flora and fauna of the peninsula, the folk architecture of Tihany and the traditional and modern uses of lavender.

The Lavender House also organises handicraft workshops where visitors can make soap balls, fridge magnets, lavender bags or even pincushions filled with lavender. Participants need to register two days before the workshop.

Visitors can also ask for guided tours during which they take a tour from the Inner Lake to the largest geyser cone in Tihany, the Aranyház (Golden House) which got its name from the moss that shines in gold during sunset. Other tours lead to the Óvár, the Friar habitations and the Old Lavender Fields.

The park of the visitor centre has a labyrinth, a lavender garden, a lookout tower, a presentation of the fauna of the reeds of Balaton and some typical boat types of the lake.